AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Split Group at Node

Split At Node allows you to split a linear group at an existing network node. To split a linear group at a node:

  1. Click the Start Sptial Edits button and select the layer you want to work with. Click Start Spatial Edits.
  2. Click the Edit Datum button .
  3. Select the datum and the node, then click the Split At Node button in the radial context menu.
  4. The Split at Node dialog opens. Select or enter the Effective Date.

    The Unique Name is automatically generated, and the Measure and X/Y coordinates of the split node are derived automatically. The values for Use measure and X/Y will be dynamically linked, i.e. if you change the measure value the system will update the X/Y coordinates and vice versa. If the Split Datums Only switch is set to On, only the underlying datum will be split.

    Select the Split At Node from the pulldown menu. Finally, select the parameters to be used for the 2 new routes that will be created by the split. Click the Split button to perform the split operation.